Meeting Dates, Agendas & Minutes

The Parish Council meet regularly on a monthly basis except for August, usually on the third

Tuesday of each month. All meeting are held in Village Hall, Bratch Lane Dinton Salisbury SP3 5EB at 7.00pm. See Future Dates below.

The agenda and meeting minutes are put up on the notice boards by the shop, on Hindon Road opposite Spracklands and between the school and Catherine Ford Road.

In addition to these meetings, there may be meetings of the Dinton Parish Council Planning Committee, the agenda for such a meeting will be displayed on the Parish notice boards.

Members of the public and press are invited to attend.
If a member of the public has an item they wish to be discussed, please could they contact the Clerk allowing at least 10 working days notice? If you prefer to contact a councillor, please allow at least 14 working days notice?

Times and dates of meetings may be changed but the new date will always be displayed on the parish notice boards. Agendas for the meeting will be displayed 3 clear days prior to the meeting. 

Abbreviations used in Dinton PC documents.

WALC - Wiltshire Association of Local Councils
NALC - National Association of Local Councils
SLCC - Society of Local Council Clerks
WC - Wiltshire Council
AONB - Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
NHW - Neighbourhood Watch Scheme
DRGT - Dinton Recreation Ground Trustees
TAPCAP - Tisbury and Parishes Community Area Partnership
SWWAB - South West Wiltshire Area Board
WilCAP - Wilton Community Area Partnership
CPRE - Campaign for the Protection of Rural England
PCSO - Police Community Support Officer
CSW - Community Speed Watch
CEV - Civil Emergency Volunteer
PLG - Parish Liaison Group

New Heading Text

Meeting Dates Agendas & Minutes

21 Jan 25

19:00 to 21:00

